
A gift from the mountains - Dendrobium huoshan

Author: YRB Release time: 2024-06-22 12:05:27

Huoshan Mihu helps to improve immune function, high-efficiency anti-oxidation, lower blood sugar, inhibit tumors, protect the liver and lungs, and improve body immunity. So, how to eat fresh Huoshan Mihu?

1. Eat fresh: Take some fresh Huoshan Mihu, wash and chew; or mash it and take it with boiled water; or boil it with boiling water. It tastes sweet and slightly sticky, fresh and refreshing.

Direct effect: Fresh Codonopsis pilosula can clear away heat, nourish yin, and promote salivation; consuming a large amount of Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharides and Codonopsis pilosula alkaloids can remove waste and toxins from the body, purify the blood, regenerate cells, accelerate wound recovery, inhibit cell mutation, and promote human metabolism.

2. Decoction: Wash, peel, and chop fresh Huoshan Mihu, pour into a pot, add water and simmer for about an hour, and take it in the morning and evening. For easy consumption, you can boil three days' worth (about 10 grams) at the same time, refrigerate at low temperature, and heat before taking.

Direct effects: promote gastric juice, aid digestion, nourish the liver and kidneys, replenish qi and nourish yin, clear away heat and promote body fluid, improve essence and improve eyesight.

3. Make tea: Take 10 fresh pieces of Huoshan Mihuo, brew them directly with boiling water, or boil them and drink them, then chew the residue.

Direct effects: Clears the throat and moistens the lungs, nourishes yin and benefits the stomach, clears the heart and relieves depression.

4. Daily diet: Food is the first necessity of human beings, and medicine is not as good as food. Adding Huoshan Mihu to daily diet, eating and nourishing, can achieve the effect of strengthening the body unconsciously. This requires us to wash the fresh Huoshan Mihu, chop or flatten it, cook porridge, soup, and add it to dishes. It can be cooked with chicken, duck, bone, and fish. It is especially suitable for tonic, no fire, healthy and delicious.

5. Boil the paste: wash, peel, chop or crush, add other Chinese herbs and boil twice. After discarding the residue, concentrate it over low heat, add rock sugar or honey, and continue to boil it into a paste for drinking.
