
Nutritional value of Dalian sea cucumber in male counterpart and postoperative population

Author: YRB Release time: 2024-04-21 08:13:18

As a precious marine ingredient, Dalian sea cucumber is favored by consumers for its rich nutritional value and unique taste.


Dalian sea cucumber has extremely high nutritional value due to its unique geographical location and environmental conditions. Each 100 grams of Dalian sea cucumber contains 15 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, 0.4 grams of carbohydrates, 357 milligrams of calcium, 12 milligrams of phosphorus, 2.4 milligrams of iron, as well as more than 50 kinds of nutrients beneficial to human physiological activities such as vitamin B1, B2, and niacin. In particular, its protein content is as high as 55%, containing 18 kinds of amino acids, taurine, chondroitin sulfate, sea cucumber mucopolysaccharide and other components, and its content of arginine is also high, which is very important for the synthesis of human collagen. In addition, Dalian sea cucumber is also known as "one of the eight treasures of the sea", which has the functions of nourishing the kidney and nourishing sperm, nourishing


The breeding methods of sea cucumber in Dalian mainly include bottom-seeding culture, floating raft culture and factory culture. Among them, bottom-seeding culture is to put sea cucumber seedlings on the seabed to allow them to grow naturally; floating raft culture is another common breeding method. In recent years, the sea cucumber breeding mode in Dalian is mainly open ecological breeding mode, which is conducive to maintaining the natural growth state of sea cucumber and reducing human intervention, thus ensuring the nutritional value and quality of sea cucumber.


The reason why Dalian sea cucumber is rich in nutrients is that on the one hand, it grows in the place where the north and south cold and warm water meet, where the confluence of ocean currents brings a large number of nutritious microorganisms and minerals, making the sea cucumber more nutritious. On the other hand, the marine environment temperature, water depth and salinity in Dalian are very suitable for the growth of sea cucumbers, especially the wild sea cucumber with a growth period of 3-5 years, which is of the best quality. Therefore, Dalian sea cucumber not only has high nutritional value, but also has certain medicinal value and is suitable for all kinds of people to eat.


Because of its unique geographical environment and high-quality breeding methods, Dalian sea cucumber has extremely high nutritional value and health effects , and is a food worthy of recommendation. Fresh sea cucumber, light dried sea cucumber eating and how to keep fresh .Long-term consumption of Dalian sea cucumber is very beneficial for men, and it also increases the recovery effect for the postoperative population.

The specific breeding techniques of sea cucumber in Dalian include bottom-seeding culture, floating raft culture and factory culture. Each farming method has its own specific technical process and method.

1. Bottom-sowing culture: Bottom-sowing culture is a way to grow freely on the seabed without human intervention during the growth process. This method is suitable for deep-sea cold-sea environments, because the growth rate of sea cucumbers grown in this environment is slower, but the meat tastes better due to the higher water pressure.

2. Floating raft culture: Floating raft culture is a way to fix the breeding cage on the floating raft and nourish the sea cucumber by artificial feeding. This method requires a certain amount of investment and manpower, but the breeding effect is more stable and easier to control. The operation steps include selecting a suitable sea area to ensure that the water depth is moderate.

3. Factory farming: Factory farming uses facilities such as land-based indoor cement ponds or large tanks to simulate the ecological environment of sea cucumbers in natural sea areas. By regulating the physical and chemical environmental indicators of the cultured water body (such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, etc.), laying of attached bases, feeding feed, disease prevention and control and other measures, it provides a suitable living and growth environment for sea cucumbers. This farming method can relieve the impact of extreme temperatures in wintering and summer on sea cucumbers. In addition, there is a method of factory sea cucumber and abalone polyculture, which simulates the growth environment of the seabed by artificial means, such as lowering the water temperature in summer and increasing the water temperature in winter, so that sea cucumbers can directly skip the process of summer and hibernation.


What is the specific relationship between the nutritional value of Dalian sea cucumber and its growth environment?

The nutritional value of Dalian sea cucumber is closely related to its growth environment. First of all, sea cucumber is a highly nutritious seafood, and its nutrients include protein, fat, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. Especially Dalian sea cucumber, due to its unique geographical location and marine environment, its nutritional value is higher than that of sea cucumbers produced in other regions. For example, the same size sea cucumber, Liao cucumber (Dalian sea cucumber) needs to grow for at least 3 to 5 years, while Fujian sea cucumber only needs to grow for 1 year, which shows that Liao cucumber absorbs nutrients for at least 3 to 5 years in the north, so its nutritional value is naturally much higher.

The growth environment of sea cucumbers has an important impact on their nutritional value. Appropriate currents can provide rich nutrients and oxygen, which is conducive to the growth of sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers like to live in sandy or muddy seabed, which can provide them with abundant food and a suitable growth environment. In addition, the growth rate of sea cucumbers is slow, and it takes at least three years to grow. The environment has a great impact on the nutrition of sea cucumbers. The body size, color and meat spines of sea cucumbers depend on the environment. Dalian sea cucumbers are also known as "imitation sea cucumbers" because they resemble imitation cones in shape and have long spines, which also reflects the influence of their growth environment on their morphological characteristics.

The specific relationship between the nutritional value of Dalian sea cucumber and its growth environment is reflected in: Dalian sea cucumber can absorb more nutrients due to its special geographical location and marine environment, so it has higher nutritional value. At the same time, the growth environment of sea cucumber also has a direct impact on the accumulation of nutrients, and suitable growth conditions are conducive to improving the nutritional value of sea cucumber.

The specific differences in nutritional value between Dalian sea cucumber and Fujian sea cucumber are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Difference in growth cycle: Dalian sea cucumber has a long growth cycle. Due to its geographical location and marine environment, Dalian sea cucumber needs to grow for at least 3 to 5 years, while Fujian sea cucumber only needs to grow for 1 year. This means that the same size sea cucumber absorbs nutrients for at least 3 to 5 years in the north (Dalian), while it only grows for 1 year in the south (Fujian), so the nutritional value of Dalian sea cucumber is naturally much higher.

2. Differences in nutritional content: Dalian sea cucumber contains 15 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, 0.4 grams of carbohydrates, 357 milligrams of calcium, 12 milligrams of phosphorus, 2.4 milligrams of iron, and more than 50 kinds of nutrients beneficial to human physiological activities such as vitamin B1, B2, and niacin. The protein content is as high as 55% or more, and it contains 18 kinds of amino acids such as taurine, chondroitin sulfate, and sea cucumber mucopolysaccharide. In contrast, although the specific nutritional content data of Fujian sea cucumber is not given in the evidence, according to the evidence, the nutritional value of sea cucumber in Fujian waters is not high, which may mean that its protein content, amino acid types and quantities are different from those of Dalian sea cucumber.

3. The influence of the growth environment: Dalian sea cucumber is also known as "imitation sea cucumber" because of its shape resembling a imitation cone, sharp and long, this unique shape may be due to its favorable growth environment. The water temperature in Dalian sea area is low, and seaweed plants are relatively abundant, providing good growth conditions for sea cucumbers. These factors work together to give Dalian sea cucumber a certain advantage in nutritional value.

The specific differences in nutritional value between Dalian sea cucumber and Fujian sea cucumber are mainly reflected in the growth cycle, the richness of nutrients and the influence of the growth environment. Dalian sea cucumber has relatively high nutritional value due to its long growth cycle and high-quality growth environment, and contains more protein, amino acids and other nutrients that are beneficial to the human body.


The open ecological farming model in Dalian sea cucumber farming is mainly operated through the following aspects:

1. Source of seedlings: Most of the seedlings used in the breeding of Dalian Changhai sea cucumber come from the ecological breeding of cages in natural sea areas. These seedlings have no drug residues, ensuring the purity and ecology of the breeding process.

2. Do not use additives and disinfectants: During the breeding process, no additives, disinfectants, and other chemicals are used, which helps maintain the natural state of water quality and provides a healthier living environment for sea cucumbers.

3. Smart ecological aquaculture system: The smart ecological aquaculture system is adopted, which can realize the functions of water quality monitoring, analysis and evaluation of sea cucumber farming environment, as well as underwater video observation. Such a system provides data support for smart aquaculture, helping to achieve high-density, high-yield, and high-efficiency standardized farming models.

The open ecological farming model in Dalian sea cucumber farming constitutes the specific operation mode of this ecological farming by using drug-free seedlings cultivated in natural sea areas, avoiding the use of chemical additives and disinfectants, and using smart ecological aquaculture systems for environmental monitoring and management.

The quality and safety supervision mechanism of Dalian sea cucumber breeding industry includes the following aspects:

Supervision and sampling inspection: carried out by the national aquatic product quality inspection authority and the National Aquatic Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, under the supervision of law enforcement personnel at the city and county levels, directly to the sea cucumber breeding sea area and sea cucumber circle for on-site collection and sample preparation, and then return to the professional laboratory for accurate testing to ensure that the supervision and sampling results are true and accurate.

Disease prevention and control: Dalian Municipal Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries issued an emergency notice, requiring the prevention of sea cucumber breeding diseases, strictly prohibiting the purchase and introduction of sea cucumber seedlings from disease-prone areas, and the seedlings used for ginseng breeding should be cultivated through the original seed farm, as well as the sea cucumber seedlings cultivated by the seedling farm that has obtained the production license of aquatic seedlings and the certification of the origin of pollution-free aquatic products.

Special project monitoring work: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Dalian Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs carried out a special project monitoring work of toxic and harmful substances such as dichlorvos in sea cucumber breeding. The detection objects include water quality, sea mud, etc. The monitoring results show that there is no dichlorvos in the sea cucumber body and the sea cucumber breeding environment. Detection reflects the safe and high-quality industrial development level of Dalian sea cucumber breeding.

Quality and safety monitoring plan: The national, provincial, municipal and county aquatic product quality and safety supervision departments will respectively formulate a sea cucumber quality and safety monitoring plan, and carry out the detection and monitoring of nearly 1,000 batches of samples of prohibited drug residues in cultured sea cucumbers as planned.
