
Why is Dendrobium huoshan more suitable for the elderly

Author: YRB Release time: 2024-04-21 13:26:17

Dendrobium huoshan and Dendrobium huoshan are actually different names of the same plant. Dendrobium huoshan, also known as Dendrobium huoshan, is an orchid Dendrobium herb, mainly produced in huoshan county, Anhui province.

The efficacy of Dendrobium huoshan mainly includes antioxidant, anti-aging, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, liver protection, anti-cancer (stomach cancer, laryngeal cancer, lung cancer) and improving body immunity. It can also reduce three highs, clear heat and moisten dryness, and has a good curative effect on diabetes, anti-cancer, and inhibit the spread of tumors. In addition, Dendrobium huoshan also has the effect of nourishing yin and replenishing deficiency, which is suitable for people such as overwork, thin body, yin deficiency and kidney deficiency. The planting environment of Dendrobium huoshan is more demanding, suitable for growth in warm and rainy, well-drained soil, and shaded conditions. The optimum growth temperature is 20-25 ° C. The planting substrate is granite gneiss, the thickness of the stone layer is greater than 20 cm, the rock is slightly acidic, and the pH value is 5.0 to 6.0. During the planting process, it is necessary to avoid sun exposure, create a semi-yin and semi-yang geographical location, and pay attention to antifreeze in winter.


The planting methods and steps of Dendrobium huoshan and Dendrobium huoshan are as follows:

  1. Choose soil with good drainage performance and soft soil for planting. Water more in summer. Top dressing is required during the growing season. Pay attention to the application of thin fertilizers. Dendrobium huoshan does not have high demand for sunlight, so it should be shaded during maintenance.
  2. Use bark debris and rice heart stone as the planting substrate, and soak the substrate with 0.05-0.1% potassium permanganate solution or 0.2% chlorothalonil for 5 days, remove it and dry it and lay it tiled.
  3. Planting is generally carried out in spring. Plants that are 1- or 2-year-old and have strong growth, tender green color, more germination, developed root system, and no pests and diseases are selected as seeds. The long fibrous roots and old stems that are more than 3 years old are cut off. Dendrobium huoshan needs to grow for 3 years, and Dendrobium homi needs to grow for 5 to 6 years to mature.
  4. The principle of watering is "if it is not dry, it will be watered thoroughly", and it will be watered at night in summer.


Dendrobium huoshan has rich medicinal value and health care functions, including:

As a rare resource with the same origin of medicine and food, Dendrobium huoshan has rich application and research support in different populations. The specific health benefits of Dendrobium huoshan in different populations can be summarized as follows:

  1. Dendrobium huoshan can provide good yin nourishing effect for daily yin nourishing and health care, and help improve physical function and delay the aging process.

  2. Diabetic people can take advantage of its anti-tumor and hypoglycemic properties by eating Dendrobium huoshan, which has a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on diabetes.

  3. Eating Dendrobium huoshan can be used to regulate blood lipids and blood pressure in people with hypertension and hyperlipidemia, and has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

  4. For women's beauty and nourishing skin, Dendrobium huoshan can provide nourishing skin effects and help improve skin conditions.

  5. Eating Dendrobium huoshanensis for the elderly can take advantage of its role in regulating the stomach and improving digestion, which is especially effective for people with weak spleen and stomach.

  6. Huoshan Dendrobium also has multiple functions such as beneficial to heart yin deficiency, nourishing the brain and myocardium, improving liver blood circulation, nourishing the liver and improving eyesight, moisturizing the lungs and removing dryness and smoothing cough, replenishing yin and latent yang blood essence and filling the bone marrow, etc. It is suitable for people with various symptoms of yin deficiency.

  7. From the perspective of pharmacological action, the polysaccharides contained in Dendrobium huoshan have pharmacological activities such as increasing immune function, anti-inflammatory, enhancing immunity, and anti-tumor. These ingredients have great development and utilization value in health care and medicinal use.

  8. Studies by the University of Science and Technology of China and Sun Yat-sen Medical University have shown that Dendrobium huoshan has the effect of enhancing T cells, B cells, NK cells and macrophages, and has a very good effect on suppressing tumors and lowering blood sugar.

The health benefits of Dendrobium huoshan in different populations have been supported by a number of studies, including but not limited to nourishing yin health care, adjuvant treatment of diabetes and hypertension and hyperlipidemia, beauty and beauty, improving digestive system function, and anti-aging. These studies provide a scientific basis for the further development and application of Dendrobium huoshan.

The growth environment requirements of Dendrobium huoshan specifically include the following points:

Temperature: Dendrobium huoshan is suitable for growing in a wide temperature range, generally between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. Different data provide slightly different temperature ranges, such as 20-28 degrees Celsius, 20-25 degrees Celsius, 22 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius, and 10 to 30 degrees Celsius can be grown in bottles.

  1. Humidity: Air humidity is essential for the growth of Dendrobium huoshan, and it needs to be kept above 70%. Some data mention that the annual rainfall is around 1200-1800 mm, which also indirectly illustrates the importance of high humidity. Another data points out that it is better to maintain the air humidity at around 80% all year round.
  2. Light and geographical location: Dendrobium huoshan needs to avoid direct sunlight and is suitable for growing in a half-yin and half-yang environment. In addition, the terrain should be relatively flat, making it easy to set up and manage.

  3. Soil and Cultivation Substrate: Suitable for growing in soils with good soil drainage and rich in organic matter and trace elements. The cultivation substrate is granitic gneiss with a thickness of more than 20 cm, the rock is slightly acidic, and the pH value is between 5.0 and 6.5.

  4. Altitude: The altitude of the suitable planting area is 900 to 1300 meters.

  5. Antifreeze measures: In winter, it is necessary to pay attention to antifreeze to avoid damaging the root system of Dendrobium and affecting its later growth.

  6. Ventilation conditions: Good ventilation is required.

The growth environment requirements of Dendrobium huoshan include suitable temperature, high humidity, avoidance of direct sunlight, suitable soil and cultivation substrate, specific altitude, antifreeze measures, and good ventilation conditions.


The application cases of Dendrobium huoshan and its flowers in modern medical research mainly include the following aspects:

  1. Diabetes treatment: Dendrobium in Dendrobium huoshan, Dendrobium lipid, Dendrobium polysaccharide and other substances have a significant effect on the treatment of diabetes, its function nourishes yin, clears heat and moistens dryness, and has been a special drug for the treatment of diabetes since ancient times.

  2. Gastrointestinal disease protection: Dendrobium huoshan plays a key role in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases. The mechanism of its gastrointestinal protection is related to regulating intestinal flora, promoting gastric acid secretion, improving gastrointestinal peristalsis and inhibiting gastric mucosal damage.

  3. Anti-Helicobacter pylori: Dendrobium huoshan has a good inhibitory effect on Helicobacter pylori, a common pathogen in spleen and stomach diseases, and is helpful in the treatment of atrophic gastritis, superficial gastritis, duodenal ulcer and other Helicobacter pylori-positive diseases.

  4. Immune regulation, anti-tumor and antioxidant: Dendrobium huoshan contains polysaccharides, alkaloids, flavonoids and other beneficial ingredients for the human body, which have significant effects of "lowering blood sugar, protecting the liver, improving eyesight, improving pharynx, moistening the lungs, improving immunity and assisting in anti-cancer".

  5. Diabetic cataract treatment: The study of antioxidant effect of Dendrobium huoshanensis polysaccharide on the eye lens tissue of diabetic cataract rats shows that Dendrobium huoshanensis polysaccharide has a certain therapeutic effect.

The application cases of Dendrobium huoshan and its flowers in modern medical research cover multiple aspects such as diabetes treatment, gastrointestinal disease protection, anti-helicobacter pylori, immune regulation, anti-tumor and anti-oxidation, demonstrating its extensive medical value and potential.
