
Why is Dendrobium huoshan so expensive?

Author: YRB Release time: 2024-04-17 15:21:59

Hoshan Dendrobium, first seen in the "Shennong's Herbal Classic" 2300 years ago, has always had a high medicinal value from ancient times to the present, and is a favorite among nourishing enthusiasts.

However, many people are deterred by its high price.

Its preciousness is well known. But do you know why it is so expensive?

1、Unique growth environment, low yield

Hoshan Dendrobium, originating from the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains in Anhui Province at 31° north latitude. The average annual temperature here is about 15°C, the annual precipitation is about 1000-2300mm, and the temperate and rainy, well-ventilated and foggy regional climate nourishes a unique ecological environment.


The sub-zero winter climate is conducive to the accumulation of Dendrobium polysaccharides, Dendrobium alkaloids, amino acids, Malan element and other nutrients in Hoshan Dendrobium. Hoshan Dendrobium often grows in the crevices of cliffs shrouded in mist, with a narrow growth area and harsh growth conditions, resulting in a very low yield.


2、Difficult artificial cultivation, high production cost

The artificial cultivation of Hoshan Dendrobium is relatively difficult. It requires specific environments and professional techniques to maintain its growth and ensure that the effective substances in it do not decrease. Therefore, cultivating Hoshan Dendrobium requires a lot of manpower, resources, and time, greatly increasing production costs.

It takes 3~6 years to grow one cycle, just as rare as China's Maotai old wine industry.


3、High nutritional value, good conditioning effect

Hoshan Dendrobium, widely used in Chinese medicine prescriptions, contains rich Dendrobium polysaccharides, alkaloids, amino acids and other nutrients, has the effect of nourishing yin and benefiting qi, nourishing the stomach, anti-oxidation and anti-aging, improving the body's immunity, high nutritional value, It is known as the "Panda of the Medicine World", more nourishing than general nourishing products.


4、Large market demand, supply falls short of demand

Due to the high medicinal value of Hoshan Dendrobium and its many benefits for conditioning the body, there is a high demand for Hoshan Dendrobium in the market.

But the yield of Hoshan Dendrobium is low, this situation of supply falling short of demand, to some extent, also pushes up the price of Hoshan Dendrobium.


There are four major reasons why Hoshan Dendrobium is naturally expensive.


The quality and effect of Hoshan Dendrobium can bear this expense.
